Things I currently am not doing:
1. Running
Things I currently am doing:
1. Buying a Garmin. Now that I have an official FHR singlet AND a Garmin maybe I will finally start referring to myself as a runner.
(When did you finally feel like you could call yourself a runner? This post is almost identical to how I feel about calling myself a runner).
2. Creating packing lists and piles of "things I might wear" all over my room.
3. Worrying about race logistics. Should I bring a handheld water? Will that slow my down? Will my arm get too tired? Will the water stations be too crowded? Will they run out of cups? Will there be Gu? What flavors of Gu will there be? Should I wear a long sleeve shirt? Should I rock my new singlet? Will my arms chafe too much? Will I be hot? Will I be cold? Will it be sunny? Should I wear a hat? Can you tell I've never run a marathon before?

T-minus 3 days!
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