Thursday, August 16, 2012

The daily grind

One of the things I've realized about myself in the past year is that I thrive when I have solid structure and routine in my everyday life. I've also realized that between June and September structure and routine seem to take a back seat to weekend trips, BBQs, later nights, and earlier mornings. Now I am not saying that I don't enjoy these breaks in routine, but it does make me feel a bit out of whack at times. 

This week I am making a concentrated effort to reinstate some of structure back into my life. I am already feeling calmer, healthier, and much more motivated after only a few small changes (yes, one of those things is a return to flossing twice a day, and yes I am a huge loser and accepted that years ago). One of my major goals for the next few weeks is to get back on the before work exercise train. I fell victim to evening runs and boot camps this summer (not that it was a bad change, but I do miss the morning crowd at the gym).  Since work these days begins at 7 am this means setting my alarm for a time I'd rather not share with you all (also the reason I am in bed at 9 pm) in order to get my 6 miles easy in before work (per the marathon training plan, yup still doing that). It will be a miracle if I don't hit snooze tomorrow, wish me luck!

On an entirely different note, here are some pictures that never made it up on the blog last week. A dinner that looks remarkably  like a face, and the Resident softball game I played in last week (we lost but made an impressive comeback in the last few innings)!

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