Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sleepy Sundays

My Saturday consisted of a grueling 7 am outdoor boot camp session, 5.5 miles with Forest Hills Runners, and a late night of babysitting two of my favorite toddlers.
This morning marked Day 2 of summer boot camp, and had even more burpees, sprints, and "floor crawls" than yesterday!

Needless to say I enjoyed an extra long nap this morning (can you even call it a nap if it's before 10 am?) followed by some errand running and apartment cleaning.

Channeling my inner Martha, and in an attempt to use up our CSA vegetables, I roasted quite a few beets, squash, zucchini, onions, garlic, and parsnips. Not pictured is the second pan full of roasted vegetables as well (anyone want to come over for dinner)!?

Finally, hoping to beat the heat, I put together a summer fruit salad (terrible phone photo, my apologies)! Fruits included mangos, pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, blue berries, kiwi, and peaches. And what is the hardest thing about making fruit salad you ask? The answer is trying not to eat all the ingredients before the salad is done!

1 comment:

  1. the thought of bootcamp right now is making me tired! go you!
